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Mint News

The ‘Makery’ Collection at Mint

If you have been touring the London graduate shows over the past weeks you may have visited New Designers in Islington’s Business Design Centre.  One of the spaces is devoted to ‘One Year On‘ where exhibiters from the previous year are asked to showcase there latest designs.  A success story of the New Designers exhibition is Joseph Hartley.  Mint featured Hartley’s range of ceramics titled ‘Makery’ back in September 2012 for ‘A Spatial Surprise‘ where his collection was first exhibited after ND.  Please enjoy this selection of images that show off the beautifully crafted work by Joseph Hartley.

img_0047‘ This work is a response to my ever growing interest in the similarities between design and food.  I believe materials and ingredients are not so different. An appropriate way to explore this notion was to make the most simplest and ancient of foods. I hand make naturally leavened bread with just flour, water and salt, and my collection of objects, intended to aid the making of bread, are hand made from similarly simple materials; wood, clay and cloth. ‘

Collectionuntitled-301Beaker bottle 2untitled-25Bottle with cherryPeg lid 1Beaker bottle 1Shaker 1tumblr_m6smbaouVA1qctxico1_1280