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No electricity required . . .

You might remember seeing Frej Wichmann’s furniture at Mint a few months ago. We showcased two of his innovative pieces during September’s LDF.

Everything the designer makes is crafted by hand. Concerned with sustainability, Frej found a way to incorporate recycled materials, such as plastic bags, into his work. Apart from the obvious environmental benefits, he hopes this will inspire small communities and local craftsmen to make use of the readily available materials that surround them. The Bubble Cabinet is even produced without electricity, demonstrating that great design can be produced in the most remote locations.

See him use a bicycle to turn a lathe and power the rope making machine here:

I work with conceptual furniture in the field between arts, crafts & design.  This allows me to be intuitive and spontaneous.  With a few set guidelines I start working directly with the materials.  I add interactive elements play to animate the physical bond between the user and the object.  My ideas are born through old production techniques that lead me towards new possibilities.”

54-MINT-LDF14-161The Bubble Cabinet on show at Mint’s 2014 LDF exhibition.  Also shown are plaster cups by Catinka Kerstin.

53-MINT-LDF14-159Frej’s beautiful pieces on show next to a collection of resin & wicker furniture.

Bubble2Frej Wichman’s Bubble Cabinet

Bubble material21The materials of the Bubble Cabinet before construction

56-MINT-LDF14-165A detail showing the twisted plastic string used to hold the door together

_DSC2965Frej Wichman’s Siridå Cabinet

_DSC2976A detail showing the intricate winding mechanism which lifts the concertina door on the cabinet

_DSC2986Frej himself showing how the mechanism works !