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Anyone for ice cream?

What better way to beat the heat than with ceramic ice creams created by Anna Barlow? Made of a combination of earthenware and porcelain, these ices creams are finished off with a glazing technique which gives them an incredible surface texture and makes them look so real. Very refreshing…

Here are a few notes by the designer herself:

‘My work plays with the physical reaction to the appearance of food, the way we eat with out eyes first.I am inspired by the craft of food presentation, often produced quickly with only one chance for the perfect effect. The qualities of clay and glaze allow me to catch the temporary nature of food, gratifying the feeling of “it looks to good to eat!”

The work is produced in a few different steps. I use high-fired slip cast porcelain for the cones and flakes, press molds for waffles. The ice cream is then built on the cone with “scooped” earthenware clay, piped clay is added and then flakes, waffles and cherries. 

Finally the glaze is brushed on to fuse the materials together and porcelain sprinkles are added. I try to keep my methods as similar as possible to real food preparation so many of my tools could be found in the kitchen.’

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